Sunday 23 November 2008

Interim Evaluation

Thompson/NMM Brief

The two things I wanted to do with this brief were practice layout and keep in touch with my work placement. I did both of these, so I am quite happy.

I feel my spreads are appropriate to the target audience, I have tried making them exciting, whilst keeping them simple and legible, and I feel I have achieved these.

I think that Thompson's cover is visually very exciting, where as mine is less so, but I think that mine more conceptually considered (although a lot riskier, I'm sure the client would go for the Thompson design every time).

Because I was working with Thompson, it did make it a little more awkward. On the same day that I showed the print in a crit, I got some feedback emailed to me from Thompson. The 2 sets of feedback were very different. This was awkward as they both made valid points, but at the same time felt obliged to change the design according to Thompson's feedback.

Another problem working remotely over email, especially on a project like this, is that it is quite hard to know exactly what the other person wants. This manifested itself at the start of the brief in the form of a Summer Seasonal print, with the Autumn Seasonal copy inside it...

I am ready to finish this brief and move on, but I need to wait to see if Thompson have any more feedback.

Ten Pounds

I set myself this brief as I thought it would be a really difficult thing to do, so I could really challenge myself.

At first it was really difficult. I was trying to make a press ad that informed people of the campaign (which is difficult because of how unique the campaign is), it also had to persuade people to take part (which again is difficult because people don't like giving there money away) and it had to encourage people to look at the website. Above all, it had to be simple.

Conceptually I am very pleased with my print ad, the strapline keeps it simple, and the writing inside the letters offers more information if the viewer chooses to read it. Visually I think that it is nearly there, but needs a little more work. Some of the letters need redrawing, and the logo may need revisiting.

To help promote the campaign I have done a similar thing that Wolfs Ollins did for London 2012 and (RED). I want the campaign to be a platform for other charities and organisations to promote themselves (whilst in turn promoting the campaign).

I now need to adapt the visual style for online viewing - webiste (front end design), web banner, graphic icon for social networking sites.

Through out this brief I have tried to be quite 'pragmatic' and professional as possible, by really thinking about the audience, context, branding, where this campaign fits in regard to other companies, causes and organisations. I feel I have approached it quite professionally in this sense, however, my time management has been (as ever) terrible and am little bit behind where I would like to be with this brief.


This started off as a 'responsible' design magazine, with the idea that it would be a branding and layout exercise. I came up with the name converge, which means coming together, with a logo that consisted of 3 lines coming together.

I used the font Lublin Graph as the display font, and Avant Gard to compliment it as body copy or subheadings.

After designing a couple of covers and spreads I started feeling like I was wasting my time as I was using made up content.

After a tutorial I decided that I would get a lot more out of the brief if I treated it as just a branding brief and used the logo to brand something else. This will be much better because, although it will still be fictional, the content I will be working with will be the brand that I have created.

I think that I suitable company to brand would be an art centre.

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